Why Your Landing Pages Aren't Converting...And What You Can Do To Fix Them.

Want to know the number one complaint I hear from clients?

They spend hours [and a good chunk of change] creating a landing page that brings them absolutely ZERO leads.

Can you imagine...

Working tirelessly on something - I’m talking not spending quality time with your family because “you’ve got to get this written” - and it totally bombs.

Cashing in your savings to run Facebook ads to a landing page that doesn’t make you any money.

And, worst of all, not really knowing what’s wrong or how to fix it.

It’s frustrating. It’s maddening. It makes you feel like throwing in the towel and giving up on your business [aka: your dreams].

It happens to the best of us.

That’s why I wanted to share the landing page mistakes I see most often, and what you can do to make sure you never make them.

Mistake #1: Your headline is either boring or non-existent.

The headline is the first thing everyone will see once they get to your landing page. You want this to be a BIG statement that gets them excited to hear more. Your headline can be:

-A big promise or solution to a problem.

-A testimonial from a happy client or customer.

-The location and date [this works really well for events]

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See how these ladies [Kate Toon & Belinda Weaver] use this bold statement to get people excited about their mastermind. You can also add a subheading line to really nail in that big promise.

Mistake #2: You talk more about the features of your offer than you do the benefits.

The features are what your offer actually does. The benefits are how it helps others. It might be nice to know what your product or service does, but the real magic is in how it actually helps your audience solve their problems.

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A perfect example of how a landing page highlights the benefits a student will get when they enroll in the Secret Society course. 

Mistake #3: Your Call-To-Action didn’t make them take action.

Your call-to-action (CTA for short) is a short phrase that tells your audience what you want them to do next. The main thing to remember when creating a CTA is to pick ONE

So, don’t ask them to sign-up for your email list, buy your course, and join your FB group. Pick one that’s the most important and relates the most to your landing page. The more actions you’re asking them to take, the more confused they will be. 

Plus, if you’re giving them multiple options, how can you be sure they’ll do the thing you wanted them to do most?

Mistake #4: They’re just not that into you.

Want to know what sends your prospects running for the door faster than the Roadrunner? A landing page that doesn’t speak to them. Or, one that makes them feel like they just stepped out of a porta-john...totally icky and gross. 

Sometimes you want to send people away. Those people who aren’t a fit for your business, they can take a hike!

But, if you want your “dream clients” to stick around, you need to speak their language. Keep your writing casual. Keep your tone quirky, sassy, serious, whatever sounds like you. Just make sure you keep it consistent.

Something to remember…

Don’t trash a landing page because it doesn’t perform the way you thought it would. It could be that other areas of your marketing [your audience size, your ads, your offer, etc.] are actually wrecking your conversions.

If you have a landing page that isn’t making you money, you need to find out why. And, FAST! The longer you sit around hoping you’ll sell more, the less you’re actually selling.