Storytelling & Selling - The Winning Combo

I love stories and how they play on our emotions.

You tell a funny story, and people laugh.

You tell a sad story, and people cry. 

You tell a story about the boyfriend who broke your heart and 5 of your closest friends jump in the car, drive to his house, and TP his front yard. 

That's how stories work. They make you feel something and want to act on it. That's why using stories in your business can actually boost sales.

They help your audience relate to you and establish a deep connection with your business. Stories increase your engagement on social media and in emails. They can even make someone decide to buy from you.

Stories don't always have to be about, "this is where I was 5 years ago and now look how great I'm doing." They can be about anything.

That time someone ate your lunch in the break room at work. Your best friend from college who always found the best outfits at Marshall's. When you thought you were stepping in a puddle and it was really a sinkhole. 

The story itself doesn't matter…but how you relate it to your audience does. The best stories are those that entertain, inform, and make someone take action.

Here are some story examples you can use to create social media posts, emails, and other marketing content for your business. 

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Entertaining Stories

People love to be entertained. That's why places like comedy clubs, theaters, and dance clubs exist. To provide us with a place to escape the mundane and have a little fun in life.

Entertaining stories do exactly this for your reader. People take notice when you can make them laugh. And laughter is the best medicine. 

Vulnerable Stories

One of the trickiest stories to write. Vulnerable stories can sometimes lead to oversharing or bragging, so you have to watch how you're getting your message across. 

Writing a vulnerable story is your time to share where you got your start. How you overcame a struggle and made it out on top. But, remember to keep your outcome positive and make it something your audience can relate to.

Words to live by: If knowing the amount of $$ in your bank account doesn't help your clients – don't mention it. 

Transformation Stories

The great thing about a transformation story – you get to show how awesome you are at what you do AND brag about a past client. They're great to use as social proof on your website or in social media posts.

A transformation story talks about where your client was when they came to you. What you worked on together. And, where their business or life is now after working with you.

Journey Stories

Taking someone on a journey is like getting from point A to point B as quickly and efficiently as possible. No scenic routes. Minimal bathroom breaks. 

In a journey story, point A is the main thing someone is struggling with right now. Point B is the other side of that – what things look like once they've overcome that struggle. Use this type of story to share tips and tricks to help them reach their destination.

Struggle Story

Failure can teach you what works, what doesn't, and what you can do to improve the next go-round.

Struggle stories help your audience feel as though they aren't alone, and there is a light at the end of the tunnel. These stories can be raw, emotional, and a bit negative at times. The trick is to be honest with your audience that hardships happen to all of us…and that staying positive through those tough times is best.

Want to learn more about storytelling and selling? 

The 5-Day Storytelling Challenge is your chance to learn how to write stories for social media that sell. Each day you'll get a story prompt via email and a worksheet with CTA ideas, templates, and an example story to inspire your own.

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If you want to see what these types of stories in action, give me a follow on Instagram. You'll see exactly how I tell stories that get my followers engaged, excited, and ready to work with me.