Worried about how to price your course and actually get people to buy it? Keep reading to learn some of the money mindset issues that prevent potential students from buying. And, how you can feel confident when pricing and promoting your online course.
The Benefits Of Blogging For Your Business
How To Overcome Fear When Running A Business
Does the thought of running your own business keep you up at night?
As small business owners, we all have the same fears. Will I make enough money to keep the business going? How do I find customers? How do I show-off all my really awesome products?
If fear runs a business, that business will never grow. You need to find ways to stop that fear and help your business reach its full potential.
Start with a little positive self-talk.
Being positive can boost your self-esteem and business. One trick is to write uplifting quotes on post-it notes. Stick them places like your bathroom mirror, in your car, on your desk. Make these the first and last things you see every day.
If you don’t feel like having post-it notes everywhere, read inspirational books. There are tons of books out there about business, marketing, and encouragement. One of my favorites is, You Are A Badass, by Jen Sincero. The book is about how to stop self-doubt and start living life like a badass!
Change your approach.
If things aren’t working for your business, it’s time to make a change. When you’re running a business full-time, you can’t do it all. If you keep dropping the ball on a certain task, hire someone to take it over. Don’t be afraid to ask for help.
Not making as much money as you would like?
Switch up your marketing. Get out in your community and pass out flyers showcasing your business. Attend local networking events and trade shows. Use social media platforms to advertise your products or services. Spread the word to as many people as you can.
Your business won’t grow if you don’t try new things!
Set goals for your business.
Everyone wants to make as much money as possible in the shortest amount of time. That sounds nice, but it’s not always possible. To really grow your business, you need goals. Set goals that are:
· Specific- What are the specifics of your goal. Is it to get more customers, more money, or more exposure?
· Measurable- How will you measure the goal to make sure it’s working?
· Achievable- Make sure the goal is something you can actually achieve.
· Relevant- How does the goal relate to your business plan?
· Timely- Set a specific time you want to achieve your goal by.
Take a vacation.
“All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” If you’ve ever seen The Shining, then you know what I’m talking about. No one wants to get so wound up they start smashing through bathroom doors.
Taking time off is a great way to de-stress. But, the important thing to remember is to STOP WORKING! Go on a weekend trip and leave the computer at home. Turn off your phone and be present in the moment. The company will survive while you’re gone. And, you will feel relaxed and ready to take on the world come Monday.
Find yourself a good support system.
You don’t need me to tell you how stressful running a small business can be. Joining a group of like-minded people can really help you and your business. Find local meet-up groups in your community or online.
Use this group as a way to bounce ideas off other small business owners. Ask questions, give answers. Who knows, some of the people in the group could be your next paying customer!
Ask for help.
Never be too proud to ask for help. There will be times when you just can’t find the answer to your problem. Or the answer requires a skill or time that you don’t have. When this happens, get in touch with a professional that can help.
Don't let fear run your business!
If writing copy for social media, emails, or your website keeps you up at night, I can help!